Calvary Baptist Church

“Finding Peace” mini retreat

On Saturday, April 27, Calvary held another mental health event in partnership with Kingdom Connectors Inc., this time a “mini-retreat” for self-care and mental health. Around 30 registrants plus children, vendors, and volunteers entered calm, decorated spaces with soft music playing for a time of relaxation and growth. After introductions, attendees chose from 4 workshops, 2 practice-based (yoga and mindfulness/meditation) and 2 discussion-based (grief & loss, and faith & mental health). Afterwards, all enjoyed a free dinner from UD Catering. The majority of the cost of this event was paid for by a grant from American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania and Delaware.

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Calvary in the Capital

22 folks from Calvary boarded Amtrak in Newark last week. It was a splendid day. While there was rain and hail in Newark, it was delightful in Washington. Folks did a variety of activities. Some spent all day in one museum, others stopped in multiple museums, and still others did museums and monuments and memorials. Everybody had a great time and we look forward to future trips. Philadelphia, New York, and Washington are all calling. Stay tuned for details.  

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Youth Winter Retreat

This past weekend 19 students and 5 adults from Calvary participated in our region’s winter snow tubing retreat at Camp Ichthus in Palmerton PA. The retreat was filled with outdoor games, fellowship, worship, small group Bible study, food, and sonic snow tubing at Blue Mountain ski resort. While at camp our youth had a chance to connect with 30+ other students from our American Baptist region and learn about how Jesus is “for all and forever” (the topic of our lessons). A big thank you to Akeem W, Erica C, Dayna F, and Kyle W who were our adult chaperones for the weekend as well as Amy K who cooked for the whole camp. Also thank you to the Calvary congregation for your contributions to the ABCOPAD Partners in Ministry offering that makes trips like this possible for our students.

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