As a church that is “Diverse in Culture,” and one including many Black individuals and families, we recognize the tremendous importance of amplifying their historically oppressed voices and contributions. More so, our Christian faith and witness is woefully deficient without the perspective and gifts of these leaders, churches, struggles, and everyday individuals. This year, Black History Month began with news of bomb threats against more than a dozen historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs). We condemn this in the strongest terms and unfortunately must point to it as one among many examples that hate is still alive and well.
Of course, our problems are not limited to this kind of overt racism; unconscious bias still affects us in many ways. All lives will not matter until Black lives equally matter. During the month of February this year, we will have testimonies in worship, spirituals sung by the choir, a guest preacher, and even a display table prepared by one of our talented regular attendees.