Sunday Worship
10:30 a.m.
Calvary has one blended worship service at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday. It is a service that incorporates both traditional and contemporary elements. We strive to create a worship time that is comfortable but reverent and meaningful. We also seek to have our worship service reflect our diversity, and in past years it has featured anything from soloists and instrumental ensembles to dance ministry and skits. Our worship service is “come as you are,” both physically and spiritually. We don’t care what you wear so long as it is appropriate for a public place, and we welcome you whether you are coming joyful, full of grief, or anything in between.
We live stream our worship service every Sunday at calvarybaptistnewark.online.church. Although we believe that in-person fellowship and connection is very important and should be every believer’s default when possible, we provide this virtual way to connect for people who are sick, traveling, or otherwise can’t be present in person.
We celebrate communion (or, “The Lord’s Supper”) on the first Sunday of every month. Anyone who believes in Christ is welcome to receive communion; you do not have to be a member, a Baptist, etc. It is Christ’s table, not ours.
What’s Available For Children?
Childcare is available during the worship hour for infants through preschool-aged children (infants and “wobblers” are cared for by a staff nursery attendant; toddlers and preschool aged children are cared for by a volunteer who brings them up to the sanctuary when it’s time for the children’s message). Ages kindergarten through 5th grade can attend Kids for Jesus class on Sunday after the children’s story or when dismissed. (We welcome children in worship and are not bothered by their squirms and fusses!). Every Sunday except for the first Sunday of the month includes a special children’s story time at the front of the sanctuary during worship. Click here for information on other children’s programming.

Ecumenical and Seasonal Services
As a church we gladly partner with other Christian churches for special services throughout the year (like Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, etc.) and we also participate in our local Interfaith Thanksgiving service each year. Our senior pastor is the current convener of the Newark interfaith clergy group.