Calvary Baptist Church

Pulpit Swap

In the 1970s, “pulpit swaps” became a common practice among Christians who, still in their racially segregated churches, wanted to cross divides and promote healing and unity. It was especially powerful in places like Birmingham and others that played a central role in the civil rights movement. The pastor of a white church and the pastor of a black church would “swap pulpits,” visiting and preaching at each others’ churches. These swaps also sometimes included the churches’ choir or other music group.

Although Calvary has not been racially homogenous for many decades now, some of the leadership of Calvary still finds it beneficial to connect with other congregations in our area that have a different racial makeup, especially those that are historically Black. It is a way to build relationships and partnerships, and continue being reminded of God’s very large and diverse family.

In that vein, this Sunday, March 27, we will be doing a senior pastor pulpit swap with Shiloh Baptist Church of Wilmington. Shiloh, established in 1875, is the oldest African American Baptist Church in Delaware. Rev. Dr. Clifford Johnson will be preaching at Calvary, and I will be preaching at Shiloh.

I became acquainted with Rev. Dr. Johnson when I came onto the Board of Directors of the American Baptist Home Mission Societies. He was the President of the board at the time. Rev. Dr. Johnson happens to be retiring later this year, after having served in pastoral ministry for 50 years, 25 of them being at Shiloh. He is a graduate of the New York Theological Seminary and the Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is quite an accomplished pastor and activist. Shiloh’s website mentions at least 20 new ministries that began under his leadership; everything from new music groups to outreach ministries of feeding, transportation, and health. He was featured in a March 4, 2021 Delaware News Journal article about doing ministry in the pandemic.

Rev. Dr. Johnson has also been active in many regional and national organizations. These roles include the economic development chairman of the Interdenominational Ministers’ Action Council, the board of directors of the Wilmington Senior Center, chairman of the board and founding member of the Marion T. Academy Charter School, and the board of the Ministers and Missionaries Benefit Board (MMBB). He has also served as an adjunct professor at the Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary’s School of Christian Ministry and Wilmington University.

I know you’ll be blessed by his presence and message this coming Sunday, and thank you to all of you for the opportunity to visit and preach to his congregation.

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Calvary COVID guidelines revised in conjunction with CDC, DHSS. Face coverings are now optional for all Calvary gatherings.  

In the spring of 2021, Calvary’s Board of Trustees decided to conform to current CDC guidance for COVID-19 precautions, whatever it happens to be, especially in regards to who should wear masks and when.

Calvary COVID guidelines revised in conjunction with CDC, DHSS. Face coverings are now optional for all Calvary gatherings.   Read More »